23 Oct Moving Up the Career Ladder
The first step in moving up the career ladder is to actually get a job! If you are located in middle Tennessee, one of the recruiting agencies in Nashville TN might help you with this first step, but then what? Once you’ve landed a job with a company that you love, your next question might be, “How do I move up in the company?”
Consider the Lateral Move
One thing you might find out rather quickly is that opportunities usually don’t just drop in your lap. It’s pretty much up to you to pursue and land opportunities that will help you move forward with your career. Don’t make the mistake, however, of thinking that “moving forward” in your career is only “moving up.” Sometimes, to move up, you have to zigzag to the side. Lateral moves in your career can provide new skill sets, enhance your expertise, expand your network, and add breadth to your experience—all valuable assets that can prepare you for the next move upward.
Moving Forward Might Mean Changing Companies
Like many big cities, Nashville has a good mix of corporate giants with multiple levels of management and many diverse small businesses with much flatter management structures. If you feel that you are ready to move up, but the company that you are working for doesn’t really have the level that you ultimately want to achieve in your career, you can go back to the recruiting agencies Nashville TN. With your new levels of expertise and experience, you can work with a recruiting company to find your next upward or lateral career move.
Keep Recruiting Agencies Nashville TN in the Loop
Reid Hoffman, founder of LinkedIn says, “Managing your career is a life-long process.” Working with a recruiting company should not be a “once and done” event. You are not the same person you were when you secured your current position. You’ve gained experience and probably new skills that should be updated on your resume that you keep on file with your recruiting company. Keeping your recruiting company in the loop can actually turn into your next career opportunity. When the recruiting company is looking for a key person to fill a position, your name and most current information will already be in the company’s database.
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